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Dealing with Projects

Clear a project 

When you want to delete all contents of a project, use the option Clear Data.

  1. Go to Global Data Management → Clear Data

Get existing data into a project

Load RDF data in a project

This is to load data such as classifications/codelists into your project. You can use it to load an RDF file.  

For ontologies or similar vocabularies, use "Metadata - Namespaces and Import" (see below).

  1. Go to Global Data Management, Load Data 
  2. Select the File by clicking on Browse. Keep all other default value.
  3. Click Submit

Import ontologies or vocabularies

  1. Go to Metadata → Namespaces and Import
  2. In box Imports, select a value for Add Import from:
    1.  "Local project" for dedicated ontologies (FAO development)
      1.  In window "Import for local project", select the Project you want
      2. Base URI will be filled automatically
      3. Transitive imports: Resolve from web

Get "new" data into a project

Clone an item, a branch, an entire code list?

There is no "clone" option from GUI - This task was added here to answer a question from NFI.

Here a couple of suggestions to obtain a similar result:

  1. Suggested A similar result may be 

well, yes, there is not a clone so the quickest thing that comes to my mind is to go through a SPARQL update, possibly getting all concepts under a certain one (using the star operator with skos:broader), copying everything from the source concepts into the new ones except references to the new concepts themselves (at least those through, again, the skos:broader property), for which a new URI must be minted, possibly basing on the previous one, with a bind e.g.

bind(IRI(concat(str(?oldURI), “_new”)) as ?newURI)

 This is the general idea, then it can be as simple or complex as needed. The update can then be stored as a parameterized SPARQL update (the parameter is the root of the branch to be cloned), so that conveniently, when invoking the stored parameterized update, the new root can be chosen through the UI

Create a new classification based on a new schema, class, etc...

Visualization & GUI customization

View items

a specific subset of a code list

Interface customization

  • Tab Concept, cogwheel, chose how to visualize the concept tree
  • Hierarchy based or Search based

Deal with versions

Create a version

  1. Go to Global Data Management → Versioning
  2. In box Versions, button Dump, click arrow
    1. Dump a new version
      1. assign an ID of choice
    2. Dump a new version to a different location
      1. assign an ID of choice
      2. Repository access: remote
      3. Repo configuration: GraphDB 10+ (no need to configure)
  3. When a new version is created, you can switch from one to the other (select the version you want, then click Switch to version)

Deal with records from GUI

Edit a record

Edit a single record (ASFIS), e.g., EN name 

  1. In left panel, hierarchy, browse/search for the concept you want to edit and select it (click on it)
  2. In the right panel, go to block Lexicalizations.
    1. in subsection skos:prefLabel, chose Edit
    2. Edit the value, then click the green check to save your work

Edit a single record (ASFIS), e.g., scientific name 

Just like editing a prefLabel, but in section Other properties

Add a record

Add a single ASFIS record

  1. Select the scheme ASFIS
  2. Go to menu Data, tab Concept
  3. In the left panel, hierarchy, choose the parent for the concept you want to add
  4. Click on icon Create narrower concept (right below tab name)
  5. A window Create narrower concept will prompt
    1. Add label (= skos:prefLabel)
    2. add the last part of the URI. The convention adopted to date is that, for species, the last part of the URI is their taxon code.

Note: that there can be only one prefLabel per language → if the one you add is already present, you get an error

Add a new area item (e.g., new subareas for area 31)

  1. Go to menu Data, tab Concept
  2. In left panel, select Area 31
  3. Clik icon Create narrower concept

Remove a single ASFIS record

  1. Go to menu Data, tab Concept
  2. In the left panel, browse/search for the concept you want to delete
  3. Click icon “Delete concept”
    1. note: the concept to delete should not have children, otherwise the operation is denied

Deprecate a single ASFIS record

  1. Go to menu Data, tab Concept
  2. In the left panel, browse/search for the concept you want to delete. Select it
  3. Click on the downward pointing arrow next to the cogwheel
    1. click on Set as deprecated

In box “Other properties”, will appear a property “owl:deprecated" with value "true”  

Bulk operations with Shee2RDF

Upload a subset of ASFIS records to fully overwrite existing records

Upload new ASFIS records (version 2024, e.g., 10 new items)

Upload a new full classification