This page contains instructions for actions that may be performed by administrators, e.g., creation of new projects in VocBench and ShowVoc, project configuration, configuration of the connection between ShowVoc and VocBench.  


Create new SKOS projects

Screenshot of setting to configure a new project:

Note the following:

Repository Access: CreateRemote
This is to use GraphDB

In rendering Engine, un-thick the box Use deafulat settings.

SKOS rendering engine:

To display the hierarchy with code (skos:notation) and name (skos:prefLabel), use the following configuration: 

Languages: ${userLangs}

Template: (${notation}: )? ${show}
This is to set up a visualization of the hierarchy with codes and labels.


Value: Property path:


Create new OWL projects

Model = OWL
Lexicalization = RDFS
Rendering engine RDFS



Visualize a VB project in ShowVoc

To make a VB project visible in ShowVoc, you must make 2 things:

  1. inside VocBench, deploy the project to ShowVoc
  2. inside ShowVoc, make the project Public

In VocBench, deploy project

  1. Go to: "Global Data Management / Export data"
  2. In Deployment, choose "Deploy to triple store", Deployer = "ShowVoc Deployer". The deployment can be configured either as "Deploy to new project" or "Deploy to existing project".

For New project, instructions follow (screenshot below).

  1. After selecting Deploy to new project, click Configure:
    1. add the URL of the Semantic Turkey associated to your ShowVoc: http://showvoc:1979/ (this is the hostname configured by Docker, it should be the same in the corresponding installation).
    2. username and password of a user with admin rights
    3. name of the new project to create
    4. Core repository configuration = "GraphDB 10+ (remote only)" (does not need to be configured)
    5. click OK
    6. then click Submit

In ShowVoc, make the project Public

This is to make the project visible.

  1. Login to ShowVoc, as an administrator
  2. Go to the "Administration dashboard" and make the project Public (now is Staging):

  1. After having selected Public, a window is prompted where you need to check the boxes to Create index and Create dataset metadata for the project.

Now, you can log out and go back to the home page of ShowVoc where you will find the new dataset.

Important. When you deploy to an existing project, you still need to go to the ShowVoc admin dashboard and update indexes and recompute the metadata.

Configure hierarchy visualization in ShowVoc

It is possible to configure the rendering engine for a project in show. In the administration panel (the same you use to make a project public), you have to open the context menu associated with the project (in red, in the picture below) and the select "configure rendering engine" (underlined in violet).


ShowVoc configuration

This is the configuration of the ShowVoc deployment at the Datalab.


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