Status: TESTING.
Instance: FAO Internal

Source: CSV files sent by Aureliano.

  1. Marine_Resource.csv
    1. contains a list of all stocks ("super" and "sub"-stocks)
  2. Group_MarineResource.csv. 
    1. contains the grouping; group-identifier | member-identifier

Issue 1: Problems with file Marine_Resource.csv

  1. has broken lines (resulting in having parts of a stock's name in field "Identifier").
    1. Solution. Fixed manually.   
  2. there is a "\" before ";" in lines 1522 and 1529. This is interpreted as escape character for ";" , hence it is not interpreted as separator and the whole file is read badly. See: 

    1. 11,551;013:0636;Hybrid Sole - USA EEZ Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands\;;;;;;

    2. 11,558;013:0643;Slender Sole - USA EEZ Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands\;;;;;;

    3. Solution. Removed "\" manually, then the CSV is read correctly. 
  3. Has ; as separators instead of ,. Problem when using it with Sheet2RDF
    1. Solution. Opened in Excel then saved back as CSV.
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